A cacao ceremony is the most beautiful way to connect with the cocoa. Learn how to celebrate your own cacao ceremony can.

There are many ways how You connect with the cocoa and his power in Your life can invite.

We see the cocoa plant as an energy that connects us more with our heart and higher Self, and thus helps to give our true Soul of your choice of room and you to implement. That is to say, our "true" way.

A cacao ceremony is to take a from our point of view, the most important and most beautiful species of the cocoa itself. This means that You can make a place and take your time You dedicate Yourself fully to the Experience of the cocoa can. 

Here we will give You a little guide that can help You to open up such a space:
Voice You already Prepare the cocoa to the ceremony.

Bless the cocoa. Bless yourself. Do it Your way. Thoughts, Singing or Smoking, what settles, always You, “” for a ceremonial Experience.

It is also important that You choose a nice and quiet place for Your cacao ceremony, You're undisturbed and feel comfortable. A place that gives You security and joy.

If You wish, You can also an Altar with items to decorate that are important to You and for You, a source of strength and Inspiration to represent it.

To come then to the Here and Now. Breathe deeply and fully, and embark in an upright posture with a straight spine. You're now a connection between mother earth and father sky. A connect with Your crown Chakra and charging higher energies, or simply light and clarity.

From the root Chakra, imagine how it opens and strong, stable roots in the earth grow. Imagine the very image and plastically before. Enjoy the show as this connection, Your whole body nourishes, flows through and stabilized. How love and kindness can flow from the earth, You and Your entire being capture.

Then bring the cocoa to Your heart and chest cavity. Your intentions, and desires to speak into Your heart and into the cocoa. So You connect to Your heart space with the cocoa.
Do energetically and with Your imagination. Let the flow of positive energy between Your heart and the cocoa, and connect You deeper with the wisdom and love of the Plant. Imagine how Your heart opens gently and cocoa strokes and caresses.

Start to drink the cocoa slowly. Let Yourself be in every SIP sink even lower in Your Experience. Feel how the cocoa affect Your whole being and Your heart can expand and expand.

You step more and more into the sacred space of Your self and of cocoa. Let this energy. Follow what wants to come. Thoughts, images, visions, and feelings. Stay in well with Your body and breathe deeply and fully. The cocoa helps the body perceptions are increased, and we can feel more. To let the body sensations. Feel into Yourself. Take it and play with them, and let them bigger or smaller. Your own Zen master, and energy healer and see how You handle this "higher" state of consciousness, with things you can and want to.

You can play soothing, and inspiring music, but let Your imagination and imagination.Thus, You can improve the wisdom of Your "subconscious" and let Your process to a magical, and healing journey.

You can, from a certain point of Your personal practices to bring in, such as, for example, certain meditations that will do You well and with whom You feel connected: tones and Sing, for example.

Let this personal journey with the cocoa plant as much time as You need and want. Cacao ceremonies usually take 3-6 hours to allow real process work.

For a custom "single ceremony," we recommend a minimum of 30 minutes to 2 hours. If you likes your "flow" brings a longer trip, allow, and give You all the time and love of the world, this process for You to complete.

We wish You a lot of great insights, heart experiences, and Grow on all levels of Your Being!

Discover our ceremonial raw cocoa in our online shop