Cocoa from Costa Rica

  • 500g pure cocoa mass in Chips from Costa Rica 100%
  • Ideal for cacao ceremonies and rituals.
  • Cocoa Places Trinitario
  • One of the few Bio-ceremony-cocoa in Costa Rica
  • rooted in one of the most unique biodiversity Hotspots in the world.
  • Contribution to the creation of safe & meaningful jobs and sustainable cocoa cultivation and conservation.
  • organic certified, fair & holistic cultivation
  • Support the development and strengthening of the cocoa-growing in the country with the outstanding ecological and social conditions


Includes 19% of MwSt.
Delivery Time: available immediately

  • Fruity 90% 90%
  • Nutty 90% 90%
  • Bitter 40% 40%
  • Chocolatey 60% 60%

Costa Rican cocoa Spirit is like a dance of the senses – a true Symphony of the joy of life! Our 100% ceremonial cacao from Costa Rica buds an exciting adventure for your taste. He presents a wild and fruity, and unleashes the pure Abundance of the diverse tastes of life. With its velvety nutty profile and the subtle berry nuances, he gives your life a vibrant energy and a Feast for the senses. Immerse yourself in the life-affirming Abundance with our exclusive cocoa experience from Costa Rica.

This cocoa is the story of the unbridled ferocity and fertility of the Costa told Rican nature, in a colorful variety of flavors in harmonious unity comes together. Don't let this cocoa inspired and enjoy life in all its facets, while its revitalizing effect the body and the mind revives!

Ceremonial cocoa from Costa Rica

In the midst of the evergreen jungle, close to the Pacific coast, to a mystical place, where once an Indian cemetery rested, is a place where Bruno and his Team for their passion for the organic cultivation of high outstanding cocoa pursue. This place is marked by an unbridled ferocity, a colorful and fertile diversity – he embodies the kostarica niches cocoa Spirit, the pure life in rich Abundance.

Here, in this enchanting environment, this is the ideal geographical and Botanical conditions, the lifting of the cocoa cultivation on an extraordinary level. But Bruno's project goes far beyond the cultivation. It's a holistic understanding of sustainability embodied in the person and nature in a harmonious coexistence of life.

With each step in Bruno's cocoa project to discover the deep Connections to nature and feel the energy of the place, where the earth is breathing and the cocoa thrives in its purest Form. Welcome to a world in which the stories of the jungle and the passion for high-quality cocoa blend in a magical way. Welcome to the heart of the Costa Rican cocoa experience.

For More Heart Solution Cocoa